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Door lock single cylinder for Finnish type mortice locks
Product description
Singel outside cylinder to be used with mortice lock cases for standard doors, both
mechanical and electric lock cases.
Lock is operated by key from outside.
Overview of Advantages
• Can be use with wide range of Finnish type mortice lock cases for standard doors
• Suitable for both outer and inner door use
• Adjustable during installation to match different door thicknesses
• Several plating options, also antimicrobial paints
Technical data
Cylinder mechanism: ABLOY® NOVEL
Cylinder ring diameter 52mm
Cylinder ring height Standard 25mm, for thin doors 31mm
Blind plate diameter 50mm
Suitable for fire doors Yes
EN 1303:2015 classification Key related security 6, attack
resistance C
Weight 0.39 kg
Possible door thicknesses: 42…152mm
Improved resistance against wear and tear (AWS).
Smooth, durable and reliable operation, resistant to dirt and freezing, and there are no springs and pins.
Plastic key bow with nickel silver shaft makes it pleasing to handle and use.
Convenient reversible key.
- The ABLOY® NOVEL detainer disc cylinder, keys and key blanks are protected by patents world-wide until 2027.
- Strict key control: duplicate keys only with the key card.
Finish: satin brass
3 keys included.